pain /channels/taxonomy/term/10343/all en AQDC - La parole aux étudiants chercheurs: De la cellule au traitement de la douleur (in French only) /channels/channels/event/aqdc-la-parole-aux-etudiants-chercheurs-de-la-cellule-au-traitement-de-la-douleur-french-only-348094 <p>Webinaire de l'Association québécoise de la douleur chronique présenté par Claudie Beaulieu et Laurie Côté, avec Alice Wagenaar à l'animation.</p> Fri, 28 Apr 2023 14:49:25 +0000 webfull 189390 at /channels Discovery reveals blocking inflammation may lead to chronic pain /channels/channels/news/discovery-reveals-blocking-inflammation-may-lead-chronic-pain-339532 <p>Using anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids to relieve pain could increase the chances of developing chronic pain, according to researchers from ƽ岻 and colleagues in Italy. Their research puts into question conventional practices used to alleviate pain. Normal recovery from a painful injury involves inflammation and blocking that inflammation with drugs could lead to harder-to-treat pain.</p> Wed, 11 May 2022 18:31:31 +0000 webfull 180119 at /channels Sharif, Orlowski and Ferland labs publish collaborative study in PAIN /channels/channels/news/sharif-orlowski-and-ferland-labs-publish-collaborative-study-pain-325645 <p>Congratulations to the <a href="//">Sharif</a>, <a href="//">Orlowski</a> and <a href="">Ferland</a> labs on their recent publication in <em>PAIN</em>, the Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain. </p> Thu, 22 Oct 2020 19:41:47 +0000 webfull 164577 at /channels Sex bias in pain research /channels/channels/news/sex-bias-pain-research-322305 <p>It is increasingly clear that male and female humans and rodents process pain in different ways. And that there are important differences in the underlying mechanisms involved at genetic, molecular, cellular, and physiological levels. Despite this fact, according to a review paper from ƽ岻 published today in <a href=""><i>Nature Reviews Neuroscience</i></a>, most pain research remains overwhelmingly based on the study of male rodents, continuing to test hypotheses derived from earlier experiments on males.</p> Thu, 21 May 2020 14:07:31 +0000 webfull 160843 at /channels ƽ岻 researchers end decade-long search for mechanical pain sensor /channels/channels/news/mcgill-researchers-end-decade-long-search-mechanical-pain-sensor-320743 <p>Researchers at ƽ岻 have discovered that a protein found in the membrane of our sensory neurons are involved in our capacity to feel mechanical pain, laying the foundation for the development of powerful new analgesic drugs.</p> <p>The study, published in <a href=""><i>Cell</i></a>, is the first to show that TACAN, a highly conserved protein among vertebrates whose function remained unclear, is in fact involved in detecting mechanical pain by converting mechanical pressures into electric signals.</p> Mon, 24 Feb 2020 15:38:08 +0000 webfull 159080 at /channels Men and women remember pain differently /channels/channels/news/men-and-women-remember-pain-differently-293050 <p>Scientists increasingly believe that one of the driving forces in chronic pain—the number one health problem in both prevalence and burden—appears to be the memory of earlier pain. Research published today in <i>Current Biology</i> suggests that there may be variations, based on sex, in the way that pain is remembered in both mice and humans.</p> Thu, 10 Jan 2019 16:00:53 +0000 webfull 144748 at /channels The secret of empathy /channels/news/secret-empathy-241112 <p>The ability to express empathy -- the capacity to share and feel another’s emotions -- is limited by the stress of being around strangers, according to a new study published today in the journal <i>Current Biology</i>. Thu, 15 Jan 2015 16:52:36 +0000 webfull 107543 at /channels Chronic pain alters DNA marking in the brain /channels/news/chronic-pain-alters-dna-marking-brain-225012 <div><span><span><span>Injuries that result in chronic pain, such as limb injuries, and those unrelated to the brain are associated with epigenetic changes in the brain which persist months after the injury, according to researchers at ƽ岻. Epigenetics explores how the environment – including diet, exposure to contaminants and social conditions such as poverty – can have a long-term impact on the activity of our genes. Thu, 14 Feb 2013 15:25:08 +0000 webfull 94752 at /channels Brain Imaging Centre lecture Series: Corticolimbic anatomical characteristics predetermine risk for chronic pain - Dr. Etienne Vachon Presseau /channels/event/brain-imaging-centre-lecture-series-corticolimbic-anatomical-characteristics-predetermine-risk-chron-260028 Thu, 31 Mar 2016 18:54:14 +0000 webfull 117762 at /channels New hope in the fight against pain /channels/news/new-hope-fight-against-pain-242448 <p>An international study led by scientists at ƽ岻 reports, for the first time, that drugs that selectively target the melatonin MT2 receptor represent a novel class of analgesic drugs that could be used to treat patients with neuropathic pain. Tue, 17 Feb 2015 16:19:54 +0000 webfull 108187 at /channels Study points to role of nervous system in arthritis /channels/news/study-points-role-nervous-system-arthritis-228778 <p>Arthritis is a debilitating disorder affecting one in 10 Canadians, with pain caused by inflammation and damage to joints.</p> <p> Thu, 13 Jun 2013 19:14:48 +0000 webfull 97036 at /channels Brighter prospects for chronic pain /channels/news/brighter-prospects-chronic-pain-260515 <p><span>The potential of light as a non-invasive, highly-focused alternative to pain medication was made more apparent thanks to research conducted by scientists at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital of ƽ岻 and the ƽ岻 Health Centre.</span></p> Wed, 20 Apr 2016 15:21:01 +0000 webfull 118365 at /channels His and her pain circuitry in the spinal cord /channels/news/his-and-her-pain-circuitry-spinal-cord-253724 <p>New research released today in <em>Nature Neuroscience</em> reveals for the first time that pain is processed in male and female mice using different cells. These findings have far-reaching implications for our basic understanding of pain, how we develop the next generation of medications for chronic pain—which is by far the most prevalent human health condition—and the way we execute basic biomedical research using mice.</p> <p> Mon, 29 Jun 2015 15:22:15 +0000 webfull 110933 at /channels Pain curbs sex drive in female mice, but not in males /channels/news/pain-curbs-sex-drive-female-mice-not-males-235376 <p>“Not tonight, dear, I have a headache.” Generally speaking, that line is attributed to the wife in a couple, implying that women’s sexual desire is more affected by pain than men’s.</p> <p> Tue, 22 Apr 2014 21:09:29 +0000 webfull 102507 at /channels Antidepressants: rise in off-label prescriptions /channels/news/antidepressants-rise-label-prescriptions-260949 <p><strong><em><a href="/newsroom">ƽ岻 Newsroom</a></em></strong></p> <p>Antidepressant use in North America has increased over the last 2 decades. A suspected reason for this trend is that primary care physicians are increasingly prescribing antidepressants for nondepressive indications, including unapproved (off-label) indications that have not been evaluated by regulatory agencies.</p> Tue, 24 May 2016 13:45:26 +0000 webfull 118919 at /channels