

New data for Essential Science Indicators (ESI) & Journal Citation Report (JCR) now available

Published: 4 September 2008

The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) has announced that new data for (ESI) and are now available.

ESI was updated recently to cover a ten-year + six-month period, January 1, 1998- June 30, 2008. ESI uses citation analysis to rank scientists, institutions, countries and journals, covering a multidisciplinary selection of over 11,000 journals from around the world. ESI also links highly cited papers to the corresponding record in Web of Science, where often you can view the complete article.

Covering subject specialties in science, technology, and social science, JCR provides the following metrics for each journal covered: number of scholarly items published in 2007, total number of citations to the journal in 2007; impact factor (average number of citations in 2007 to articles in a journal published in the previous two years); immediacy index (average number of times a journal鈥檚 current articles are cited in the year of publication), and citing and cited journal data. This statistical information provides a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading science and social sciences journals.

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