

Bombardier loan is just good business

Published: 20 February 2017

In a recent Huffington Post blog post, Unifor National President Jerry Dias calls out those who criticize Ottawa鈥檚 $372.5 million loan to Bombardier, saying that calling for the company to be allowed to crash and burn ignores the fact that it鈥檚 one of Canada鈥檚 biggest employers; a major player in research and innovation; and a big-ticket contributor to Canada鈥檚 GDP, hitting $12.4 billion in 2015 鈥 not to mention the $1.6 billion that Bombardier contributed to Canada through taxes in 2015. Dias quotes Desautels Associate Professor Karl Moore, who asserts that the loan is 鈥渨hat鈥檚 necessary and appropriate in this particular industry.鈥

Read full article: , February 20, 2017聽

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