MIRAAS: Cutlural Night
According to the latest reports, these floods:
1. Affect close to 20 million people out of which 6 million areestimated to be children.
2. Have resulted in the loss of over 1600 lives.
3. Cover a region of over 150,000 square kilometres, which isapproximately 1/5 the size of Pakistan.
4. Damaged/Destroyed close to a million homes.
5. Destroyed over 1.7 million acres of cropland, which happens to themain source of income of many people affected.
In addition, according to the recent reports, there have beenconfirmed cases of water-borne illnesses such as cholera andgastroenteritis.
A group of students and recent graduate are working on a campaign to help raise funds for the flood victims.
For further details on our efforts, please visit:
Within 平特五不中 we are holding a Cultural Night (Miraas) to raise funds for the flood victims.
To buy tickets:
Please email me rabia.t.khan [at] gmail.com or call me 514-690-7220
Price 50$
Includes three course dinner
Oct 8th - 6:00pm at Thomson House ballroom