AMURE update: University and AMURE agree on some benefits clauses
平特五不中 Human Resources has asked Research and International Relations to relay updates on the University鈥檚 negotiations with AMURE, the union representing research associates and assistants.
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University and AMURE agree on some benefits clauses
At the November 28 bargaining session, the university submitted additional information to the union on parental leaves; an agreement was reached, the text was finalized and the parties signed off on parental leaves. The union made suggestions to include certain provisions in the statutory holiday clauses, which were included and the texts of these articles specific to each bargaining unit (research associates and research assistants) were ratified.
The university tabled a proposal on benefits and pension, which led to questions, discussions and a review of some of the documentation.聽 The university agreed to clarify some of the points at the next meeting, at which time discussions will continue.聽 That meeting is set for December 11.聽 The government-appointed conciliator continues to assist the parties in their discussions.
L鈥檜niversit茅 et AMURE s鈥檈ntendent sur certaines clauses li茅es aux avantages sociaux
Lors de la s茅ance de n茅gociation du 28 novembre, l鈥檜niversit茅 a fourni des informations suppl茅mentaires au syndicat au sujet des cong茅s parentaux; une entente a 茅t茅 conclue, les textes ont 茅t茅 finalis茅s et les parties ont sign茅 la clause sur les cong茅s parentaux.聽 Le syndicat a sugg茅r茅 d鈥檌nclure certaines dispositions au sujet des cong茅s f茅ri茅s; celles-ci ont 茅t茅 incluses et les textes des articles sp茅cifiques 脿 chacune des unit茅s syndicales (associ茅s de recherche et assistants de recherche) ont 茅t茅 ratifi茅s.
L鈥檜niversit茅 a d茅pos茅 une proposition sur les avantages sociaux et le r茅gime de retraite, ce qui a g茅n茅r茅 des questions, des 茅changes et une r茅vision de certains des documents.聽 L鈥檜niversit茅 a accept茅 de clarifier certains des points lors de la prochaine rencontre au cours de laquelle les 茅changes se poursuivront.聽 Cette rencontre est pr茅vue pour le 11 d茅cembre.聽 La conciliatrice nomm茅e par le gouvernement maintient son appui aux parties dans ces n茅gociations.