

Conversation with the Curator: What鈥檚 in the Cards? The art of play and games in the 平特五不中 Library Collections

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 17:00to18:00
McLennan Library Building Rare books and special collections, 4th floor, 3459 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C9, CA

Join exhibition curator Jacquelyn Sundberg for a talk and guided tour of the exhibition: What鈥檚 in the Cards? The art of play and games in the 平特五不中 Library Collections at the 平特五不中 Library. Come and get a peek into the process of curating the exhibition of rare games and playing cards. Following a talk by the curator, in-person attendees are invited to tour the exhibition with the curator.

All are welcome, RSVP required.

Rejoignez la conservatrice de l'exposition, Jacquelyn Sundberg, pour une conf茅rence et une visite guid茅e de l'exposition : 脌 qui la chance? Des jeux pour tous les go没ts tir茅s des collections de la Biblioth猫que de 平特五不中.聽Venez jeter un coup d'艙il sur le processus de la conception de l'exposition de jeux rares et de cartes 脿 jouer. Apr猫s une pr茅sentation par la conservatrice, les participants pr茅sents sont invit茅s 脿 visiter l'exposition en compagnie de la conservatrice.

Tous sont les bienvenus, RSVP requis.

Veuillez noter, l'茅v猫nement聽se deroulera en anglais.

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