
Convergent Innovation in Food through Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Societal-Scale Inclusive Growth

Published: 19 March 2018

Authors: Laurette Dub茅, Pan Du, Cameron McRae, Neha Sharma, Srinivasan Jayaraman, Jian-Yun Nie Publication: Technology Innovation Management Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 2018 Abstract:

Fostering the Catalyst Role of Government in Advancing Healthy Food Environments

Published: 15 February 2018

Authors: Raphael Lencucha, Laurette Dub茅, Chantal Blouin, Anselm Hennis, Mauricio Pardon and Nick Drager...

2018 Manulife Prize: Call for Applications

Published: 20 December 2017

Are you leading research that promotes Active Health?...

MCCHE helps food companies stay ahead of technology

Published: 5 December 2017

Rapid technological advancement is disrupting the status quo across numerous domains, including in agriculture and food markets....

Fetal growth interacts with multilocus genetic score reflecting dopamine signaling capacity to predict spontaneous sugar intake in children

Published: 20 November 2017

Authors: P.P. Silveira, I. Pokhvisneva, H. Gaudreau, L. Atkinson, A.S. Fleming, M.B. Sokolowski, M. Steiner, J.L. Kennedy, Laurette Dub茅, R.D. Levitan, M.J. Meaney, MAVAN research team...


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