
Investment In a Quebec Public-Private Partnership to Support the Use of Personalized Medicine Solutions in the Treatment of Cancer Patients

Published: 21 February 2013

The Government of Qu茅bec announced today a $10 million investment in the Personalized Medicine Partnership for Cancer (PMPC). This public-private partnership will be focused on establishing an...

Revolutionary new probe zooms in on cancer cells

Published: 11 February 2015

Improves tumour surgeries and extends survival times for brain cancer patients VIDEO: http://bit.ly/1EYjsTV

Help prevent the transmission of HPV!

Published: 25 March 2013

The 平特五不中 Division of Cancer Epidemiology has recently launched the CATCH study to test the effectiveness of a Carrageenan-based gel in preventing the tranmission of HPV. Carrageenan is derived...

A new way to starve lung cancer?

Published: 20 October 2015

Preventing cancer cells from growing by understanding what they 'eat'.


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