CRIEM /centre-montreal/taxonomy/term/445/all en CIRM Hires Two New Community Managers /centre-montreal/channels/news/cirm-hires-two-new-community-managers-344238 <p>The CIRM is pleased to announce the arrival of two new research assistants to its team. <strong>Edmuelle Berre </strong>and<strong> Inès Zorgati</strong> both recently joined the CIRM team as community managers.</p> Mon, 12 Dec 2022 03:12:05 +0000 145669 at /centre-montreal Call for applications: Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation in the Urban Context /centre-montreal/channels/news/call-applications-canada-research-chair-social-innovation-urban-context-287380 <h2 style="text-align:center"><em>Call for applications: Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation in the Urban Context</em></h2> <p>The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal (CIRM) at ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ invites applications for a Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation in the Urban Context. The position will be at the level of Associate Professor or Professor and the successful candidate will be associated with a department in the Faculty of Arts.</p> Tue, 29 May 2018 13:46:21 +0000 1513 at /centre-montreal Memorandum of Understanding between the CIRM, the Agirre Lehendekaria Center and the Etxepare Basque Institute /centre-montreal/channels/news/memorandum-understanding-between-cirm-agirre-lehendekaria-center-and-etxepare-basque-institute-287484 <p style="text-align:center"> </p> <h2 style="text-align:center">Memorandum of Understanding between the CIRM, the Agirre Lehendekaria Center and the Etxepare Basque Institute</h2> <p> </p> Fri, 01 Jun 2018 21:08:51 +0000 1554 at /centre-montreal Survey on the location of work activities /centre-montreal/channels/news/survey-location-work-activities-290443 <h3>Where does work take place?</h3> <p>Economists, planners and city managers rely on the assumption that it takes place in offices and other buildings dedicated to economic activity, and in neighbourhoods likewise dedicated to economic activity. However, many people in the laborforce move around and much of their work can now occur in cafés, at home, in restaurants or in co-working spaces: but we still know very little about what types of work activity take place where, and about how workers feel about these new work arrangements.</p> Mon, 08 Oct 2018 19:55:45 +0000 42433 at /centre-montreal CIRM welcomes two new members /centre-montreal/channels/news/cirm-welcomes-two-new-members-298256 <h3>CIRM is pleased to announce the addition of two new members: <a href="/centre-montreal/guillaume-ethier">Guillaume Éthier</a> (UQAM) and <a href="/centre-montreal/matthew-claudel">Matthew Claudel</a> (MIT)!</h3> <p> </p> <h2><a href="/centre-montreal/guillaume-ethier">Guillaume Éthier</a></h2> <hr /> <p><img alt="Portrait of Guillaume Éthier" style="width: 250px; height: 250px; float: left;" class="file-original lt" src="/centre-montreal/files/centre-montreal/ethier.jpg" width="600" height="600" /></p> Fri, 05 Jul 2019 22:22:04 +0000 91425 at /centre-montreal 8 resident scholars appointed at CIRM /centre-montreal/channels/news/8-resident-scholars-appointed-cirm-298257 <h3>CIRM is confirmed as a privileged place of residence for researchers working on Montreal with the appointment of 8 Canadian and foreign researchers as resident and visiting scholars for the summer of 2019 and the upcoming academic year!</h3> <p> </p> Sat, 06 Jul 2019 01:53:15 +0000 91476 at /centre-montreal Workshop-Conference | Se faire une place dans la cité /centre-montreal/channels/event/workshop-conference-se-faire-une-place-dans-la-cite-301190 <p> </p> <p> </p> Tue, 01 Oct 2019 20:34:31 +0000 104110 at /centre-montreal CIRM Seminar | L’innovation municipale. Sortir des sentiers battus /centre-montreal/channels/event/cirm-seminar-linnovation-municipale-sortir-des-sentiers-battus-300661 <p> </p> <p><em>How are cities innovating to adapt to new issues, optimize their resources and improve the quality of life of their citizens? How do elected officials, employees and citizens participate in these innovative practices?</em></p> Sun, 15 Sep 2019 19:42:53 +0000 104079 at /centre-montreal Lysandre Champagne receives a SSHRC Scholarship /centre-montreal/channels/news/lysandre-champagne-receives-sshrc-scholarship-300874 <p>Congratulations to <a href="/centre-montreal/bmo-doctoral-and-postdoctoral-scholarships/2019-2020-fellows">Lysandre Champagne</a>, CIRM's BMO Doctoral Fellow for 2019-2020, for the reception of a SSHRC PhD Scholarship! Champagne is currently pursuing a research project entitled "Les rapports de genre dans la scène musicale montréalaise émergente" at ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ's Department of Sociology, under the supervision of <a href="/centre-montreal/fr/membres/jan-doering">Jan Doering</a>.</p> <p> </p> Sat, 21 Sep 2019 18:29:06 +0000 104095 at /centre-montreal Conference | Data Governance for Sharing Smart City Data: Lessons from Sidewalk Toronto /centre-montreal/channels/event/conference-data-governance-sharing-smart-city-data-lessons-sidewalk-toronto-300662 <p>Data governance for data sharing – particularly where some or all of the data are sourced from human activity – raises issues of ownership, privacy, ethics and even sovereignty.</p> Sun, 15 Sep 2019 20:59:23 +0000 104081 at /centre-montreal CIRM welcomes visiting scholar Fabio Scetti /centre-montreal/channels/news/cirm-welcomes-visiting-scholar-fabio-scetti-297941 <h3>CIRM is pleased to welcome linguist Fabio Scetti for a three-months research residency!</h3> Sat, 22 Jun 2019 02:04:48 +0000 86846 at /centre-montreal Conference-experience "Shaping Neighborhoods // Move" /centre-montreal/channels/event/conference-experience-shaping-neighborhoods-move-296388 <p>The beauty of a city - whether it comes from architecture, public art, urban design or ambience - has long been a second-rate topic behind  "serious" urban development issues (sucha as transport, infrastructure, housing, etc.).</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 22:38:29 +0000 73278 at /centre-montreal Montreal wins the Smart Cities Challenge! /centre-montreal/channels/news/montreal-wins-smart-cities-challenge-297205 <h3>The City of Montreal wins $ 50 million for Infrastructure Canada's first <a href="">Smart Cities Challenge</a>!</h3> <p>This competition is designed to encourage Canadian municipalities to adopt a "smart city" approach in order to find solutions to issues that affect their communities through innovation and open data.</p> Fri, 17 May 2019 22:08:45 +0000 78044 at /centre-montreal Conference-experience "Shaping Neighborhoods // Communicate" /centre-montreal/channels/event/conference-experience-shaping-neighborhoods-communicate-296387 <p>The questions associated with communication are at the heart of urban issues.</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 22:24:21 +0000 73274 at /centre-montreal CIRM-AIEQ Mobility Grants | Deadline /centre-montreal/channels/event/cirm-aieq-mobility-grants-deadline-294558 <h3 style="text-align:center"> </h3> <h3 style="text-align:center">CIRM-AIEQ Mobility Grants</h3> <p> </p> Tue, 12 Feb 2019 14:39:13 +0000 60002 at /centre-montreal