
Lecture by our visiting scholar Fabio Scetti at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Montr茅al

Published: 25 August 2023

This September 13th, at 6.30pm, Fabio Scetti will present the lecture 鈥淭he children of law 101. Adaptation to the education system of Qu茅bec: the case of the Italian community鈥. The event will be...

Multidisciplinary discussion 鈥 Looking at municipal elections in Montreal through the lens of linguistic diversity

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 12:00to14:00

On March 22, the CIRM invites you to a moment of discussion around the book Voting in Qu茅bec Municipal Elections: A tale of two cities聽(University/centre-montrealCategory:聽Research

CIRM welcomes Fabio Scetti as a visiting scholar for summer 2023!

Published: 9 July 2023

This summer, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montr茅al (CIRM) is happy to welcome once again lecturer and researcher in Sociolinguistics Fabio Scetti until September 15th!

Employment opportunity: part-time position at CIRM

Published: 28 July 2022

Le Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires en 茅tudes montr茅alaises (CRIEM) sollicite des candidatures pour pourvoir un poste d鈥檃ssistant路e de recherche 鈥 gestionnaire de communaut茅 脿 temps partiel...

L鈥檃nglais en d茅bat au Qu茅bec : mythes et cadrages | Discussion with Virginie H茅bert

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 13:30to15:30

What is the place of English in Qu茅bec in the wake of Bill 96? 聽聽聽/centre-montrealCategory:聽Libraries Information Innovation Research

Launch and Discussion: Citizen Empowerment & Dialogue in Montr茅al and Vancouver

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 17:30to19:00

CIRM, in collaboration with the Office de consultation publique de Montr茅al (OCPM), is pleased to invite you to a roundtable discussion on citizen empowerment in urban spa1550 Rue Metcalfe,...

Screening-discussion | 鈥淯ne tour sur la montagne:鈥 Montr茅al between the wars through the eyes of Ernest Cormier

Thursday, February 16, 2023 17:30to19:30

CIRM has the pleasure of collaborating with the McEwen School of Architecture for an evening of screening and discussion of the documentary film A Tower /centre-montrealCategory:聽Research

New hire among CIRM鈥檚 community managers

Published: 26 July 2022

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montr茅al (CIRM) is pleased to announce the arrival of a new research assistant to its team. As Community Manager, Am茅lie Ducharme will be actively...

CIRM Hires a New Event Manager

Published: 6 February 2023

Welcome to our new colleague, Pierre Antoine, who will be taking part in supporting CIRM and its activities as Event Manager!


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