older adults /cand3/taxonomy/term/54/all en Research Highlight: Better satisfaction with aging could improve health and well-being | 2021-22 Fellow Julia Nakamura /cand3/channels/news/research-highlight-better-satisfaction-aging-could-improve-health-and-well-being-2021-22-fellow-337759 <p>New research from 2021-22 CAnD3 Fellow <a href="/cand3/our-people/fellows-2021-22#Julia%20Nakamura">Julia Nakamura</a> and colleagues finds that higher satisfaction with aging could lead to improved health and well-being outcomes. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, a cohort of 13,752 US adults over 50 years old, the researchers used 35 indicators of physical, behavioral, and psychosocial health and well-being to capture a comprehensive suite of outcomes. Out of the 35 indicators, improvements in 27 were associated with better aging satisfaction. </p> Wed, 16 Feb 2022 21:23:16 +0000 enkhuun.byambadorj@mail.mcgill.ca 697 at /cand3 Social Networks and Social Media Use of Older Adults | 2021-22 Fellow Sofia Gil-Clavel /cand3/channels/news/social-networks-and-social-media-use-older-adults-2021-22-fellow-sofia-gil-clavel-334751 <p>2021-22 CAnD3 Fellow <a href="/cand3/our-people/fellows-2021-22#Sofia%20Gil-Clavel">Sofia Gil-Clavel</a> recently published her second dissertation paper on whether older adults use social media to maintain friendships. Using data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) and Facebook, the paper found that digital relationships may compensate for the lack of offline social networks among older migrants.</p> <p> </p> Thu, 11 Nov 2021 19:52:40 +0000 enkhuun.byambadorj@mail.mcgill.ca 687 at /cand3