Faculty of Arts /arts/articles/rss en New Virtual Exhibit Explores the Reality of Canada’s Farming Industry /arts/article/new-virtual-exhibit-explores-reality-canadas-farming-industry <p>The reality of food production in Canada is something many Canadians may not be familiar with. A new digital exhibit, <a href="https://activehistory.ca/exhibits/the-human-cost-of-food/">“The Human Cost of Food”</a> on Activehistory.ca aims to pull the curtain back on the various economic, environmental, and social realities that affect how our food is grown, produced and packaged by bringing the names and faces of the migrant workers who are so integral to the functioning of our food systems to light.</p> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 21:20:55 +0000 Andria Caputo 2024 at /arts Reflecting On My Time at ƽ岻 /arts/article/reflecting-my-time-mcgill-0 <p>As I step into my final term at ƽ岻 in MISt of Information Studies (Project), I can't help but reminisce about the day I received that life-changing letter of acceptance to my dream university. It feels like yesterday when I was grappling with rejection letters, unsure career paths, and battling imposter syndrome. Being able to study and do research at ƽ岻 has always been my dream during my time as an undergraduate in Ottawa.</p> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:56:40 +0000 Sihan Wang 2022 at /arts Finding My Place: A Journey Through Clubs, Support, and Academic Growth at ƽ岻 /arts/article/finding-my-place-journey-through-clubs-support-and-academic-growth-mcgill-university <p>Reflecting on my undergraduate years at ƽ岻, I am filled with gratitude for the myriad experiences and people who shaped my journey. From the vibrant campus life and challenging academics to the supportive communities and personal growth, these years have been transformative. Among the highlights were finding my place within student organizations like SACOMSS and receiving invaluable guidance from professors, which ultimately paved the way for my upcoming master's studies. </p> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:46:45 +0000 Kimberley Lord 2021 at /arts Debra Thompson Awarded H. Noel Fieldhouse Award for Excellence in Teaching /arts/article/debra-thompson-h-noel-fieldhouse-award <p>During the Spring 2024 Arts ‘B’ ceremony, Debra Thompson, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Racial Inequality in Democratic Societies, was awarded the H. Noel Fieldhouse Award for Excellence in Teaching.</p> <p>“I’m so grateful and honored to receive the H. Noel Fieldhouse Award for Distinguished Teaching” says Professor Thompson. “I’ve been doing this a long time and I’ve always found teaching to be the most challenging, humbling, rewarding, and important part of this job.”</p> Mon, 10 Jun 2024 17:29:18 +0000 Arts News 2018 at /arts A Word From Lavinia Auhoma, 2024 Arts Valedictorian /arts/article/word-lavinia-auhoma-2024-arts-valedictorian <p>In Fall of 2020, one thing was for certain—that nothing, for the next few years, would be. Navigating the uncertainty of the global pandemic that would upend my ƽ岻 experience, it would be an understatement to describe my first year experience as untraditional. As the Entering Class of 2020, we traded Rez Life for rapid tests and joined Zoom calls before ever crossing the Roddick Gates. Ironically, in a time where we were more distant than ever, it was our shared experience that brought us together.</p> Fri, 31 May 2024 20:39:40 +0000 Lavinia Auhoma 2012 at /arts A Word from Juliet Morrison, 2024 Arts Valedictorian /arts/article/word-juliet-morrison-2024-arts-valedictorian <p>Entering ƽ岻, I was so excited to immerse myself in campus life and meet curious, passionate students from all over the world. Of course, having ¾ of my classes be pre-recorded lectures amid the pandemic made me initially doubtful that I would get any of the college experience I craved.</p> Fri, 31 May 2024 20:33:21 +0000 Juliet Morrison 2011 at /arts A Word from Jenni Makahnouk, 2024 Arts Valedictorian /arts/article/word-jenni-makahnouk-2024-arts-valedictorian <p>My journey from Alberta to Montreal was filled with anticipation, eager to immerse myself in the vibrant culture of this city. Arriving a couple of months before my first semester, I envisioned lazy summer days spent on terrasses, exploring the Plateau, Mile-Ex and Verdun neighborhoods, and soaking in the renowned joie de vivre that Montreal exudes.</p> Fri, 31 May 2024 20:21:58 +0000 Jenni Makahnouk 2010 at /arts My ƽ岻 Bucketlist: Things To Do On and Around Campus Before Graduating /arts/article/my-mcgill-bucketlist-things-do-and-around-campus-graduating <p>As my journey at ƽ岻 nears its conclusion, I find myself reflecting on what I and my peers hope to experience before graduation, and for many, before bidding farewell to Montreal. It's intriguing to discover that most of them have crafted bucket lists—a comprehensive inventory of the finest experiences this city and university have to offer. Inspired by their enthusiasm, I've decided to compile my own bucket list, comprising all the recommendations I've received but have yet to explore. Here's what's on my list: </p> Thu, 16 May 2024 15:53:39 +0000 Kimberley Lord 1994 at /arts Living a Good Life Through the Study of Philosophy /arts/article/living-good-life-through-study-philosophy <p>What does it mean to lead a good life? This question is at the centre of <a href="/philosophy/carlos-fraenkel">Professor Carlos Fraenkel</a>’s <a href="/study/2023-2024/courses/phil-202">PHIL 202: The Good Life</a>, an undergraduate level introductory course in the history of philosophy that challenges students to understand and think through numerous philosophical questions spanning metaphysics, epistemology, psychology, ethics, and politics.</p> Thu, 16 May 2024 13:41:41 +0000 Andria Caputo 1992 at /arts Revealing the Treasures of ƽ岻’s Writing Centre: A Discussion with Dr. Yvonne Hung /arts/article/mcgills-writing-centre-discussion-dr-yvonne-hung <p>Embark on a journey to uncover the lesser-known treasures of the ƽ岻 Writing Centre and Graphos as Dr. Yvonne Hung, the director and coordinator of Graphos, sheds light on the enriching experiences awaiting students. Most students, unbeknownst to them, are yet to explore the multifaceted nature of this academic tool.</p> Wed, 15 May 2024 22:16:59 +0000 Kimberley Lord 1989 at /arts